Public Hearing – State Annual Plan for FY22 – March 15, 2021

Notice of Public Hearing

The Northampton Housing Authority

invites all tenants and the general public to a review of the

Authority’s Proposed Annual Plan for Fiscal Year 2022

The Annual Plan is intended to provide insight into the Authority’s operations and plans for the coming fiscal year as they affect the Authority’s state-aided public housing. The Proposed

Annual Plan is comprised of the following elements:

  1. Proposed Capital Improvement Plan (5-year)
  2. Proposed Maintenance and Repair Plan
  3. Current Operating Budget
  4. Responses to the Performance Management Review (PMR) findings
  5. List of housing authority policies
  6. List of waivers from governing regulations of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
  7. Other elements

Hearing time and date:     6:30 PM on 03/15/2021

Hearing location: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 0724 7130
Passcode: 0315

Residents and the general public are invited to review the Annual Plan before the hearing and may submit public comments as noted below. The Authority shall consider the concerns of any Local Tenants’ Organization (LTO) or Resident Advisory Board (RAB) regarding needs and priorities and incorporate some or all of such needs and priorities in the draft plan if deemed by the Authority to be consistent with sound management. Substantive comments will be summarized and included in the Annual Plan when it is submitted to the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).

  • Copies of the Annual Plan are available at the Authority’s office or may be reviewed online at
  • Comments may be submitted orally at the hearing, by emailing the housing authority office, or by submitting written comments at the housing authority office. Comments must be received no later than the close of the public hearing.
  • For reasonable accommodation requests contact the housing authority office by 03/01/2021 at 4:30 PM.
  • Contact information for Northampton Housing Authority:
    Office: 49 Old South Street, Northampton, MA 01060
    Phone: (413) 584-4030

Aviso de audiencia publica

El/La Northampton Housing uthority

invita a todos los arrendatarios y al publico en general a una revision

del Plan nual Propuesto por la autoridad para el afio fiscal 2022

El Plan anual tiene como objetivo dar a conocer las operaciones de la autoridad y sus planes para el afio fiscal entrante en lo que respecta a sus iniciativas de vivienda publica con financiamiento estatal. El Plan anual propuesto comprende los siguientes elementos:

  1. Plan de mejoras de capital propuesto (5 afios)
  2. Plan de mantenimiento y reparaciones propuesto
  3. Presupuesto operativo actual
  4. Respuestas a los hallazgos en la Revision de gestion del desempefio (PMR)
  5. Listado de las politicas de la autoridad de vivienda
  6. Listado de las exenciones a las normas vigentes del Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario (DHCD)
  7. Otros elementos

Fecha y hora de la audiencia: 6:30 PM del03/15/2021

Lugar de la audiencia: Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 0724 7130

Passcode: 0315

Invitamos a los residentes y al publico en general a leer el Plan anual antes de la audiencia y a hacer comentarios publicos por los medios que se indican mas abajo. La autoridad tomara en consideracion las inquietudes de cualquier organizacion de arrendatarios locales (LTO) o junta asesora de residentes (R B) en relacion con las necesidades y prioridades. Si las considera consistentes con los principios de buena gestion, la autoridad incorporara dichas necesidades y prioridades -en parte o en su totalidad-en la version preliminar del plan. Los comentarios sustantivos se resumiran e incluiran en el Plan anual cuando este se envie al Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario (DHCD).

  • Puede obtener copias del Plan anual en la oficina de la autoridad o consultar el Plan por Internet
    en El Plan este disponible Cnicamente en ingle
  • Si desea hacer comentarios, puede hacerlo oralmente en la audiencia o enviar los comentarios por correo electronico o postal a la oficina de la autoridad de vivienda. Los comentarios se deben recibir antes del cierre de la audiencia pu
  • Si tiene una solicitud razonable en relacion con una discapacidad, pongase en contacto con la oficina de la autoridad de vivienda antes del 03/01/2021 a las 4:30 PM.
  • Informacion de contacto de Northampton Housing uthority:
    Oficina: 49 Old South Street, Northampton,
    M 01060
    efono: (413) 584-4030

Correo electronico:

Health Connector and SNAP Benefits Update

Important Updates from DTA and the Health Connector. 

  1.  The Health Connector announced that Open Enrollment has been extended through March 23, 2021.
  2.  15% SNAP boost is starting 2/1, retroactive for January – How DTA will issue
    • The 15% boost (approximately $27 per person) will be issued on the same day as the supplemental payment – the second business day of the month. What this means:
      • on February 2, households will be issued the 15% boost amount for January. 
      • For those eligible for a supplement, they will get the supplement and the 15% boost amount on the same day. 
      • For those already at the maximum grant and therefore not eligible for a supplement (under current guidance), they will get the 15% boost amount only on the 2nd.
          • DTA will be sending text messages. DTA will not be mailing notices (just as no notices are mailed for the supplemental payments).

If you have any questions, please contact any of our Resident Services Coordinators.