Smoke Free Housing

Since 2017


To insure the quality of air and the safety of residents in its housing programs, the Northampton Housing Authority has declared that all its residential properties as smoke free buildings.


Smoking is not permitted inside any area of any Northampton Housing Authority building including the apartments. Smoking is only permitted outside in specifically designated areas. If there are no designated areas onsite, then smoking is permitted if and only if it occurs more than twenty-five (25) feet away from the buildings. All residents, employees, guests, contractors, and business invitees must abide by the following rules and regulations.

Smoke Free Policy Statement

Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside any property owned or managed by the Northampton Housing Authority or any entity in which NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY has a partnership or ownership interest. Anyone smoking inside NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY property, and/or leaning out a windovv to smoke, will be deemed in violation of this polic

Smoking Defined

“Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigar, cigarette, electronic nicotine delivery system” or “vaporized nicotine* product” ( electronic cigarette), pipe, hookah, or any form of lighted object or device that contains tobacco and/or marijuana, including but not limited to medical marijuana.

Effective Date of Policy

This policy is effective on March 1, 2017 for all residents, their guests, and all employees, contractors, business invitees who provide services to any NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY Properties. The NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY shall enforce this policy in accordance with the following timetable:

  1. For all property owned or managed by the NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY or one of its affiliates that is opened for occupancy after March 1, 2017, the enforcement provisions of this policy shall be effective immediately.
  2. The enforcement provisions of this policy shall be effective at all NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY sites three (3) months after its effective date, on June 1, 2017;

Enforcement Provisions

Failure of any resident and/or his/her guests or visitors to follow the smoke-free policy will constitute a serious and material lease violation and will subject the Tenant to a termination of his/her lease. Before NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY commences any eviction proceeding under this policy, the Authority shall first issue warnings, as follows:

  • 1st violation – the tenant shall receive a verbal warning, which shall be documented in the tenant’s file, and cessation materials shall be distributed to the tenant;
  • 2nd violation – the tenant shall receive a written warning and a referral to the Resident Services Coordinator;
  • 3rd violation – the tenant shall receive a termination notice as provided for in NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY’s lease.


NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY will post “No Smoking” signs outside and inside of all NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY buildings. Residents will be responsible for informing their guests and visitors that their apartment is smoke free and that their housing may be affected by violators.

Designated Smoking Areas

Where the Executive Director approves, in his/her sole and absolute discretion, smoking may be permitted in a specified outside area on a property by property basis. Where an outside area on a site has been designated, smoking outside on that site is only permitted in that area. Under no circumstances shall outside smoking be permitted on NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY property within 25 feet from any entrance or window, or building. NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY will give each resident a site map that indicates the specific locations, and designated smoking areas shall be clearly posted. Where an area has been designated for outside smoking, NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY shall provide cigarette disposal receptacles.

How To Report A Smoking Violation

Complaints about prohibited smoking and/or smoke migrating into a residential unit or common area should be made promptly to the property manager. Complaints should be made in writing and should be as specific as possible, including the date, approximate time, and location along with the suspected source of migrating smoke. Complaints may be made anonymously.

In circumstances where smoking is smelt or observed by staff, and /or reported by any person, NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY will seek the specific source of the smoke and take appropriate action consistent with the enforcement provisions of this policy, as set forth in paragraph 4. Residents are encouraged to promptly notify NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY staff of any incident where smoke is discernible in prohibited areas on NORTHAMPTON HOUSING AUTHORITY property.

Policy Distribution & Lease Addendum

Upon adoption of this policy, all current residents of properties covered by this policy will be given two copies of the policy. After review, the resident will sign one copy and return the executed copy to his/her site manager within seven (7) days after its distribution. The signed copy will be placed in the resident’s file. New residents will be given the smoking policy at the time they execute their lease at which time they will sign. It will be placed in the resident’s file.